About Us

Our Goals

At Screen Boogers, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve crystal-clear screens on all your electronic devices. We understand the frustration of constantly dealing with smudges, fingerprints, and dust on your screens, and that’s why we created Screen Boogers.

Our specially formulated cleaning solution is designed to effectively remove dirt, grime, and smudges without leaving streaks or residue. We use only the highest quality ingredients to ensure that our product is safe for all types of screens, including iPads, Androids, computer monitors, glasses, and more.

We also believe that convenience is key, which is why every bottle of Screen Boogers comes with a free microfiber cloth. This allows you to easily clean your screens on-the-go, without the need for additional supplies or equipment.

At Screen Boogers, we’re passionate about providing our customers with the best possible screen cleaning experience. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone who wants to keep their screens looking their best, Screen Boogers is the solution you’ve been searching for.

How we started

Screen Boogers was started by a group of tech enthusiasts who were tired of constantly dealing with dirty screens on their electronic devices. They noticed that traditional screen cleaners often left streaks or residue behind, and that many products were not safe for all types of screens. They were determined to create a better solution.

After months of research and development, the team finally formulated a special cleaning solution that was safe for all types of screens and effectively removed smudges, fingerprints, and dirt without leaving any residue or streaks. They called their product “Screen Boogers,” a playful name that was both memorable and unique.

The team began testing their product on various electronic devices and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from friends and family. They knew they had something special on their hands and decided to bring Screen Boogers to the market.

Since launching, Screen Boogers has been embraced by tech enthusiasts and everyday users alike. Its unique formula and convenient packaging have made it a popular choice for keeping screens crystal-clear on-the-go. The team behind Screen Boogers is committed to continually improving their product and providing their customers with the best possible screen cleaning experience.

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